Monday, June 8, 2009

Milestone Mondays

On Day Seven of the LIVESTRONG Chronicle, I logged on to Facebook, ready to post Team Wedding's status update. Actually, I should say, not ready. Jamie had only been home two days, and they'd been intense. It was just the two of us, and it hadn't been easy -- or pretty -- but we'd made it. My husband is a fiercely independent man -- with good reason -- but that's another story for another day. (Keep hanging around here ... I've got lots to tell.) For him to have surrendered his pride in those early days was no small feat. But it meant the world to me and was necessary for us to build the symbiotic system that's second nature to us now. But that morning, I was spent. I knew I had family and friends waiting to hear how we were doing and those Facebook updates were the easiest way to do it. I didn't have a pithy dose of positivity in me. I also knew if I didn't post, I ran the risk of never logging on again and letting myself be swallowed up by isolated days that morphed into the next and the next and the next ... I may not have been much of a Little Mary Sunshine -- ever -- but I did know enough to know that I couldn't let myself slide like that. Then I realized it had been seven days. HOLY CRAP! That's a week. We'd made it a week. So that's what I posted:
"Cathleen is thinking on DAY 7, 'One week down, one long(!) lifetime to go!' LIVESTRONG!"
Then next Monday came, and I realized it had been two weeks. Being the good lapsed-Catholic-but-still-have-enough-superstition-in-me-to-pave-the-way-to-hell-and-back that I am, I knew a jinx when I saw one. (Yeah...that's another story, too. I'm telling you, stick around.) So I posted:
"Cathleen is thinking on DAY 14, 'TWO weeks down, one long(!) lifetime to go!' LIVESTRONG!"
You get the picture. Today is Day 112. And I'm thinking, "Sixteen weeks down, one long(!) lifetime to go!" LIVESTRONG.

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