Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's A Love / Hate Kind of Day

See that grin up there? It's not much different than the one featured yesterday. Hilary is my goddaughter, my niece, my shopping buddy, my backup singer, my partner in crime ... and my heart. Today's a big day for my Hilly-Girl. She's headed off to college. There hasn't been a day in her life that I haven't been proud of her, but I can honestly say that right now, I have never been prouder. Things I'm really loving:
  1. My munchkin is off to live on her own, and will do just fine.
  2. She is in love, head-over-heels happy, and seeing the world in a whole new way.
  3. Her mini-vacations to Chez Cay haven't been happening this summer, and not because of Jamie's chemo schedule, but because of Hilly's thriving social schedule.
  4. She doesn't really need any more life lessons from me. She's smart, beautiful, thoughtful, and kind, all on her own.
Things I'm kinda hating:
  1. Hmmmm ... see all of the above.
I can't even begin to imagine how my sister Chrisie is feeling right now, but me? My heart's in a silver Honda Civic, being sucked all the way to Milledgeville.


  1. Hi! Just poppin' in from SITS! I remember when my parents dropped me off at college...pretty sure my mom cried...! Thank heaven for phones right?! Happy Friday :)

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I feel your pain. Isn't it the hardest when they grow up? And it sounds like you were such a wonderful Aunt to her : ). She looks like so much fun! And you will keep having fun together as she grows older. Good luck to her! What is she studying?


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